City of Vista | General Plan Update at Vista Innovation and Design Academy

City of Vista General Plan Update
Workshop Series 2: Land Use Alternatives!
This workshop will be conducted in English. Traductor está disponible
These workshops will outline the feedback received from the first workshop series, Establishing the Vision, and how this feedback has influenced changes to Vista's Land Use Plan. Finally, this workshop will present two Land Use Alternatives for consideration and feedback from the community.
Note: Three of the four workshops will be predominantly catered towards English speaking participates, while one workshop will be presented fully in Spanish. The material presented will be the same for each meeting in the series.
Note: Three of the four workshops will be predominantly catered towards English speaking participates, while one workshop will be presented fully in Spanish. The material presented will be the same for each meeting in the series.
City of Vista | General Plan Update a...
Date and Time
Monday Jan 29, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PST
Monday, January 29th 2024
6pm - 8pm
Vista Innovation and Design Academy(Gymnasium)
740 Olive Ave, Vista, CA 92083
Contact Information
For more information please contact Michael Ressler.
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